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Tour Dates




2, Halloween Party in Steele City, NE 9-1

3, Hungoverween SUNDAY FUNDAY in Steele City, NE 3-7

9, Auburn, NE Country Club, 7:30-11:30. Deer feed and Pamette's 50th!

10-16, New Orleans for inspiration vacation

17, SUNDAY FUNDAY in Eagle, NE @ Bailey's Local, 3-7

22, RC McGraws in Manhattan, KS, 8-12


27, THANKSGIVING EVE in Eagle, NE @ Bailey's Local, 7-11

30, Round Up Bar in Table Rock, NE 8-12



6, NuStyle Christmas Party, Omaha, NE. (private event)

7, Elk's Lodge in Clay Center 8-12

13, Zoo Bar in Lincoln, NE 5-7:30.  $10. cover

14, Schrank's in Sloan, IA 2-6 p.m.  Crazy Ol' River Rats!

15, SUNDAY FUNDAY in Eagle, NE @ Bailey's Local, 3-7

20, RC McGraws in Manhattan, KS. 8-12

21, The Cove @ Milford Lake, 7-10 PM





2-23 off for vacation

26, SUNDAY FUNDAY in Eagle, NE @ Bailey's Local, 3-7



15,  HWY 9 Pizza in Frankfort, KS, 8-11 (Valentine's Day Celebration)

16, SUNDAY FUNDAY in Eagle, NE @ Bailey's Local, 3-7

21, Highwind Brewery in Junction City, KS, 6:30-9:30



1, The Would Eye in Falls City, NE 9-1

16, SUNDAY FUNDAY in Eagle, NE @ Bailey's Local, 3-7

22, Private Party, Bruning, NE!

29, Schranks in Sloan, IA. 2-6






3, Krystina Gardner's 40th, not 50th! Bday party, Scandia, KS. 7-11

17, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE, 4-8

18, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE 3-7

23, 6th annual Draggin' Main St. Street Dance in Osborne, KS

24, Linoma Beach in NE (private campground) 7-11

25, Lee and Ariel's Boondoggle in Hanover, KS. 7-11



8, Steele City, NE for the Bi%@H Bash (Margo's Birthday) & Bike Show! 3-7

14, J&M Liquor Store in Wymore, NE for Sam Wymore Days.  8:30-12:30

21, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE 4-8

22, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE 3-7

28,  Sandbar Party near Sloan, IA.   Accessible only by boat.  3pm ish




3, Private party in Hickman, NE

4, Private party in Lincoln, NE

12, Auburn, NE Country Club. 5-9

19, Meat's private party in Osborne, KS

26, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE 4-8

27, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE 3-7 ?






9, Daykin, NE Street Dance, 7-11

16, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE 4-8

17, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE 3-7

24, Beatrice, NE Suicide Prevention Golf Tournament, 4-7, Hidden Acres Golf Course

​31, Lower Bar in Dunlap. IA 



6, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE 4-8

7, Pop n Doc's in Decatur, NE 3-7



3, Octoberfest in Junction City, KS @ Highwind Brewery






26, THANKSGIVING EVE @ Bailey's Local in Eagle, NE. 7-11













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